Half-Life Easter Egg - Small Room Full of Gabe Newell

It only works for regular Half-Life, not source. Go to the area after you take the elevater with headcrabs jumping. Put noclip cheats on your console and of course you have to put sv_cheats 1 first to enable cheats. When you get done with that, go toward the wall by the doorway and the metal barrels, you will fly throught the walls. Keep going until you see a big black box, keep going until you drop into a small room. It's dark so turn on the flashlight and you will see all of the walls, ceiling, and floor filled with Gabe Newell tiles.

User Rating:
  9.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-28-2011
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: noclip cheats
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Gabe Newell Easter Egg
Gabe Newell Easter Egg

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