Rugrats Easter Egg - MTV Reference

In the episode where the pilate light keeps going out and the babies try to protect the treasure, Andrew Dice Clay plays the voice of the plumber. Andrew Dice Clay is the only person to ever be completely banned from MTV, the company that created Nickelodeon. At some point in the episode, the plumber says "I hope I don't get banned from this house" (or something like that). Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-05-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: ears
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Ladybug9455 writes:
Why was he banned from MTV
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Just in case you're wondering, he was probably banned because of all the sh*t he talked about everyone. he was a real trash talker. just go to your local video store and rent one of his videos in the comedy section, and you'll see what I mean...I think one of them is "ford fairlane" or something like that.
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bjmarch58 writes:
He got banned for life from MTV because of his performance at a MTV Video Music Award show. The producers told him to stay somewhat mellow and not to go overboard. But he recited some of his nursery rhymes and talked about f*cking 300lb chicks and they didn't like it. So that's why.
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Trunks writes:
Hey...I watched this entire episode and not once did he say anything about getting banned.
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Actually, Andrew Dice Clay was banned from just the CHANNEL MTV, not the entire company, that collaborates with Nickelodeon.
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Eagle writes:
Clay was also banned from Saturday Night Live too in the 1980's.
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He wasn't a plumber. He was an electrician.
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Actually, Wassupgrl, ya can't really tell, because from what I read, Clay was identified as a "repairman".
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Insanelynuts writes:
No, he says, "It's on the house." I don't know if that still has a connection or not, but I am amazed at all the research you did, especially, since he didn't even say that!
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RngeCrush writes:
Well, he might be billed as a "Repairmen," but you can certainly tell whether he is an electrician or a plumber. Let's see...he doesn't have a plunger, but he DOES have a schematic for the Pickles' circuit board (which Tommy and crew used as a treasure map - remember?)...
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Andrew writes:
Wasn't ADC also banned from CNN? I saw an interview with him on CNN and he completely flipped out at the anchorman and stormed off with everyone laughing at him. I don't know if they banned him for it or not.
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