German EC-Card Easter Egg - Twinkling and Listening Holo-Man

1. Take a closer look at the hologram with the man on it.
2. Move the EC-Card up and down and you'll see either the man or the value date of your card.
3. Get the man and move the card SLOWLY from left to right.
4. The man twinkles two times to you and..
5. If you hold the card as right as possible, the man holds his right hand at his ear like if he's listening what you want to say.
6. Now you can say something, if you like ;)

User Rating:
  6.2/10 with 81 votes
Contributed By: Mirek Hancl on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: EC-Card vGerman
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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spamtonne writes:
The man shown in the hologram is Ludwig van Beethoven. As you all know, he became deaf when he was old. So the gesture was animated by people with a rather strange sense of humour.
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ludwig_van writes:
According to a newspaper report some years ago, a very unlucky fellow form Turkey was stopped by Turkish police when returning from Germany to Turkey. They mistreated him to make him "reveal" who the man on his "secret agent" EC card was.
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Moreo writes:
This man is not only visible at the German EC card, but also at the Dutch 'Rabobank' card
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Kat writes:
Beethoven is on several Electronic Cash cards all over Europe. Why? Because he composed the "Ode to Joy", which in turn is the "European anthem". (Remember Eurocheques?) There's your explanation for the Europe-wide distribution of Ludwig's Hologram. Although the connection with cash cards still isn't all that clear to me.
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