Stallone, Sylvester Easter Egg - The Stallone-Schwartzenegger Thing

For a while, Arnold Schwartzenegger and Sylvester Stallone seemed to have this running joke where they would make comedic references to each other in their respective films.

Some examples:
Demolition Man: Stallone is dumbfounded when he discovered that Arnold became president...

Last Action Hero: In a video store is a poster for Terminator Two starring...Sylvester Stallone!

Twins: Arnold compares his abs to those of Sly on a poster for Rambo III.

There are several others. I don't know if they are continuing this little joke or not.

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Contributed By: EricKoch on 01-03-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Nothing
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Bad-Bee writes:
True Lies starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Schwarzenegger. While Arnie is blasting away bad guys like there was no tomorrow Curtis says "I married Rambo."
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TubaGuy writes:
In Stallone's film "Tango & Cash" Sly throws a little jab at himself. Someone asks him if he's trying to be Rambo (or something to that effect) and he answers "Rambo was a pussy!"
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Big_G_Funk writes: you not read the main message?
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Tazz writes:
Rumor is that sly and arnie are looking 4 a movie to do together as well also arnolds last name has no "t" in it
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Q writes:
Also in 'Stop, or my mom will shoot' The woman who play's sly's mum say's to some guy I'll be back and as they are walking out Sly say's to the woman 'What are you the Terminator?'
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penael writes:
I remember in Sly's "Cobra" there was a reference to Arnie/Rambo or some such while he was walking away from self-inflicted disaster on the highway (right before the supermarket scene).
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CaptainSolo writes:
If Sly and Arnie would do a film together, I'm really interested in the German version of it (cause I'm from Germany). The reason is simple: Stallone and Schwarzenegger have the same German voice cast. Actually it's the most popular voice cast in Germany, Thomas Danneberg. He gives his voice to Stallone, Schwarzenegger, John Travolta, Nick Nolte, Dan Akroyd, John Cleese... and some more. I'm not sure how they would solve the problem of some more of these actors playing in the same movie... without appearing kinda strange to the German audience... mmh, are you actually interested in this little fact? Ah, whatever...
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Jooberhagen writes:
I find it funny that in Last Action Hero, Arnold Schwarzzeneger's character couldn't pronounce his own name right. He'd call himself "Arnold Brownshwagger".
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loner writes:
But movie directors/producers/whoever do allow actors to make changes in the scripts before they agree to appear in the movie.. for example in "Dumb and Dumber", when Jim Carrey* walks our of the bar and say "Alright, we landed on the moon" or something to that affect, it was adlibbed... never in the actual script
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I find it funny! Yeah that joke is probably still going on. In order to make movies amusing they have to do little things like that! But its cute!
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Movie Master writes:
In the German version of : Stop, or my mom will shoot, the movie-mother of sly sayz - in a police station - :"I´ll be back" !! On this, Sly sayz that she should let somebody with acting-experience say something like this, like Arnie..... funniest dialog in the whole german version !!!
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I'm surprised no-one's mentioned this, but Sly had a non-speaking cameo in Woody Allen's "Bananas" way back in the '70s before he made it big with "Rocky". He plays one of a couple of thugs who chase Allen on the subway. But blink and you'll miss it.
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Sinister writes:
Don't know if any of you knew this.. But in the 70's or around that time, Stallone was in a Porno called "The Italian Stallion" Seriouly, if you don't believe me, look it up. :)
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Also, In the movie "Tango & Cash", when Stallone´s character goes to jail, he meets one of the prisoners and said: "I loved you in Conan - The Barbarian!"
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Might I add that in a certain episode of "VH1's Ill-UStrated" Arnie & Rambo had a common cameo and they indeed still had the same voice actor at the same time - with typically changes on everyone of them - Arnie is usally dubbed as a rough, cynical macho man while Rocky is blamed to be a little more whiny and disillusionated.
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md5269 writes:
The reason why they have the running gag is because originally Stallone was going to be cast as The Terminator
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shalashaska writes:
Just going back to a previous comment, what do you think would have happened if the guy who did the voice over for Arnie in the German Terminator 1 movie died in between the first and second movie? then the Terminator would have two different voices, man i know i sound dumb but i so glad im English speaking and get all the good movies in english, it would be soooo crappy to have the terminator talking with sly's voice ya know?
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Egg1315 writes:
In Twins, Arnold compares his Bicep with the Rambo picture, not Abs. By the way, they both appear in The Expendables and The Expendables Two, but you all probably already knew this by now.
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