Lost Symbol Easter Egg - Hidden Message

There are several Easter Eggs in Dan Brown's new novel "the Lost Symbol"

#1. On the cover, you will notice symbols, codes, numbers and letters. On the Front, Back and Spine of the book, look for alpha-neumeric pairs.
(example A1, B2) there will be 10 numbers paired with letters A-J (hmm... a phone number?)
Calling the phone number reveals a secret message.

#2. Also on the cover, on the back, there are 2 separate codes to decipher. Reading the book will give you the keys to decipher the codes on the book.

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  8.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: JMS158 on 11-23-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Hardback copy of Dan Brown's Novel
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ernest writes:
puzzle #1/alpha-numeric- phone # 212-782-9515...a gutteral voice speaking either a foreign leaguage, or more likely, backwards (don't have the equiptment to crack). puzzle #two/masonic cypher- rotate back cover 90 degrees clockwise. Translate ##XX cypher (from page 197) and read: "ALL GREAT TRUTHS BEGIN AS BLASPHEMIES" puzzle #3/magic square- find 4x4 square near bottom left corner on the back of the dust jacket. Use the "Durer's Square" from page 263 to unscramble the letters of the sequence. 1=y, 2=o, 3=u...it spells: "YOUR MIND IS THE KEY" puzzle #4/"Digital Fortress" referance- on the front cover, on the inner left arc of the light red, inlaid, circle is a series of numbers. 22 23 44 1 133 97 65 44. Using the same code from "Digital Fortress", use the first letter from the givin chapter number to spell a word. Chapter 22-"Pacing the library...", chapter 23- "Another tattoo." These 8 numbers spell: PANTHEON
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