Monkey Island, Tales of Easter Egg - Keeper of the Secret. Errr.. I mean Crossroads!

When you have completed the three piraty tasks for Nipperkin and he has given you the "word" to enter Deep Guts cabin, go to the cabin on the map and enter it.

After a lengthy explanatory talk with the Voodoo Lady you can look around at her belongings. One of these items is a Shrine to the Keeper of the Crossroads, called "Nor Treblig."

Nor Treblig is actually Ron Gilbert backwards! And Ron Gilbert was the creator of the first two Monkey Island games. Nice to see Lucas Arts still thinks of the Monkey Islands creator!

User Rating:
  9.3/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: The Haz on 07-17-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Windows XP or Vista or Wii. Tales of Monkey Island Chapter One; Launch of the Screaming Narwal
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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