South Park Easter Egg - Saving Private Ryan Referance

In the scene where the terrorists are first attacking imagination land you will see Ronald McDonald missing an arm and walking over to pick it up. The same thing happened in Saving Private Ryan at the D-day invasion. They even walk over to pick it up in the same manner.

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  8.0/10 with 2 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-01-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: a video of south park: imagination land
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autoclown writes:
Well that's rather obvious seeing as the entire episode is filled with references to old tv shows and movies. You could say that the entire episode Imagination Land: Part 1 & 2 are eggs. In fact the entire scene in which the Terrorist blows himself up and all hell breaks loose is taken straight from the 'Normandy Beach' scene in the movie; not just with Ronald McDonald. In truth this is not a secret or something special at all; there is a vast difference between an Easter Egg and a Pop Culture reference.
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