Aliens Vs. Monsters Easter Egg - Dreamworks Egg in New Movie Aliens Vs. Monsters

During a special advanced screening of DreamWorks new film, Aliens Vs. Monsters, I noticed something pretty cool even my 3 year old daughter noticed. In the movie, not to give too much away, a character named General W.R. Monger is the normal high ranking military official with every pin and award known to man on his dark green typical military uniform. Toward the end of the film I noticed one of his pins on his right breast was a pin with Shrek's face integrated with wings on each side. In fact Shrek is wearing an eye patch possibly to signify the pin was an award like a Purple Heart, an award for being injured in the military. This is an obvious connection between films DreamWorks have created.

User Rating:
  8.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: J. Bosshart on 03-25-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: movie ticket, film starts March 27th, 2009
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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macdaddy writes:
This is a fun connection to other DW films. However, it has nothing to do with a purple heart. There are dozens of military insignia/awards with wing features. It is most likely that Dream Works modeled after one of them because they are typically more prominent on the uniform than the typical ribbons.
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