Grand Theft Auto 4 Easter Egg - 3 Easter Eggs

Here are three cool eggs for you avid fans.

1. Go to Firefly Projects and Look for the ferris wheel and the name of it is "Liberty Eye" which is a pun of "London Eye" which is a landmark in London, England.

2. Go to Firefly Projects and look for the ghost ride which is called "The Corpse Ride" which is a pun of "The Corpse Bride" which is a Tim Burton Movie.

3. Go to "Hove Beach" and there should be a Adult Video Store and go to the back room behind the counter and look at the TV there should be a "Candy Suxxx" movie playing and "Candy Suxxx" is a character from GTA: Vice City.

Hope you liked them!

User Rating:
  5.1/10 with 9 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-10-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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