Sun IPX Easter Egg - Comic Characters on Back of Plane

1. Open your SUN IPX box
2. Unmount all cables
3. Pick out the mainboard
4. Turn it on and you see it

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 21 votes
Contributed By: Maarten Moerman on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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pkhoury writes:
This is because the SS IPX is code-named Hobbes, and the SS 2 is Calvin (or it's the other way around). I wonder if they're going to be Calvin on the underside of my systems' motherboard?
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Nic Dade writes:
The IPX motherboard also has drawings on the chip (upper) side. There is a sleeping cat near the cpu, and a telephone handset with BABI written underneath near the front.
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