Adobe Photoshop CS3 Easter Egg - Funny, Hidden Quotes in Photoshop CS3's About Screen

1.In the menu, click "Help", and then "About Photoshop".
2.Click above the top line of credits before or after they begin scrolling. You must click in a specific area above the 1st line, or the credits will disappear. If the screen remains after clicking, you'll be able to see the quotes.
3. When the last person is thanked, the funny quotes will appear! You can speed your way to the quotes by holding the "Alt" key (Windows) or "Option" key (Mac) after the credits begin scrolling. Also, holding "Shift" will speed up the scrolling.

User Rating:
  7.8/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: 3Dlight on 11-02-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Click on the screen no higher than this to access the quotes
Click on the screen no higher than this to access the quotes

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