Mummy, The Easter Egg - What Did You Say?

In the scene when the "zombies" are chanting outside the museum, some of them are saying something very strange. During the production of the film, as a practical joke some of the actors who played the "zombies" began to chant "Oh what an ass you are!" The director didn't notice, so it remains in the final production.

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  7.1/10 with 340 votes
Contributed By: Godsmacker on 01-01-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Supersonic hearing
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DarKnight writes:
I also heard it at the part where Johnathan is pretending to be a zombie. It is eaiser to hear it in that part. You still need to listen for it though.
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Cluckyx writes:
It's actually OWA TANA SUAR its on purpose but it stands out a bit more than the director wanted.
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Annette writes:
=) That's funny! Didn't you guys ever go to camp when you were a kid? That's one of the common skits/tricks we played at camp. You have some people chant this 'sacred' chant "OWA TAGU SIAM", over and over, getting a little faster each time. Then you have then wave their arms up and down to conjure up spirits or something. The really naive people that are left at the end look really stupid, running around flapping their arms honking and saying "Oh what a goose I am!" It's soooo funny! I'm sure that this is a different (dirtier) take on the same idea... They made it sound like a chant to slip it by the editors.
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Mithrandir writes:
Similarly, there's the fictional first line to the National Anthem of Siam - Owa tana Siam. Try getting people to sing it to the tune of "God Save The Queen" :-)
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Neo writes:
I thought they where saying "Ihmotep" Maybe I'm wrong
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brainkisser writes:
I'm pretty sure they're saying Imhotep. I thought everyone heard that? It doesn't even sound like Oh what an ass you are.
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Wutang writes:
Also in the zomdie scen, there is a man walking by with white eyes. That's because he kept looking at the camera. So Steven Sommers ( director ) had the computer generaters white out his eyes.
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hungover writes:
No, I could have sworn that I read an article that explains this. Later in the chanting, as the car speeds away, they switch to chanting "oh what an ass you are". I read that this was an inside joke among the extras, and that it was not taken out of the film. I don't know why, but I remember what I read. I believe this one.
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6sides writes:
Most of them are saying Ihmotep but at one point it changes
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Dickie writes:
I've seen this movie millions of times --one of my faves-- They're saying "Imhotep", the name of the mummy that is found / brought back to life by Rick O'Connell and Evy.
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GG writes:
When I read about this egg, I also read all the comments as well. I was excited because this was a game I used to play as a kid. However, I have thoroughly disected all the chanting scenes and I never heard anything other than "Ihmotep". But it was a nice try!
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brainiac1234 writes:
Its true. Im guessing he got the egg from and searched this movie and clicked on trivia. He has this egg in there.
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