Unreal 2 Easter Egg - Glowing Face with Eyes

Inside the Atlantis, to the left of the hallway leading to the cockpit, there is a pile of boxes. Directly above this pile, hidden behind the ceiling panel, is a glowing face with glasses and non-glowing eyes. On closer inspection it's guy with a beard, but who? Likely "Cliffy B.", whose face appears in Unreal games, but it's so washed-out (from a camera flash?), who can tell?

There's a narrow slit where you can catch a tiny glimpse at a time of the face, or you can use the 'ghost' cheat to move up and through the ceiling for a better look.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: Rsquared on 06-29-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Peeking through the slit Seen from above with the 'ghost' cheat
Peeking through the slit Seen from above with the 'ghost' cheat

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