Apple II GS Easter Egg - Have the Apple Say "Apple II"

1. Remove all disks from the drives
2. Restart the computer
3. When you see the Open-Apple move back and forth, Press Control-OpenApple-Option-N
4. Sit back and enjoy!

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 62 votes
Contributed By: Brian Santapaola on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jimmy2002 writes:
I had a IIGS and I did that, but it showed me the credits
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Spyder writes:
Yes, All I got was the programmers names... Good Egg, though.
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handle187 writes:
On Apples with ROM 01 it just shows the credits, but on Apples with ROM 3 (and in GS/OS) you get a digitized voice.
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You can do this on some other types of Macs, too. On the Mac SE, for instance, use the Programmer's key to get the prompt and type "G 41D89A" - funny how I can remember this off the top of hy head... You will get a series of digitised photos of the engineers. Typical for the Apple team to pull this kind of stunts. (I wonder how much ROM space this actually takes up?) JanGB
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On a Rom 3 GS what you hear is the whole design team calling out "Apple 2".
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Jonas Quimby writes:
Interesting how it gave me the credits and then the video stopped working... Still haven't been able to get it to go again.
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