Rock Spectacle (Barenaked Ladies) Easter Egg - Hidden Stuff

If you listen to track 11, "If I Had A Million Dallars" all the way through, there's silence after the song, but keep listening. After about 60 seconds you'll hear Ed Robertson tell a funny story about something that happened to him in Montreal, then you'll hear all the guys perform a hilarious extra song called: "Uncle Elwin"

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  5.1/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: Collin Curtis on 12-28-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: CD player, "Rock Spectacle" on CD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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WeirdJohn writes:
Just FYI, Uncle Elwin is actually Ed's uncle in real life. And most of the song is written from actually expierences.
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The Llama writes:
Ummm... they tell you this in the liner notes, so it is not an egg.
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iDesignToo writes:
>After about 60 seconds you'll hear Ed Robertson tell a funny story about >something that happened to him in Montreal, then you'll hear all the guys >perform a hilarious extra song called: "Uncle Elwin" The story is an experience that takes place in Chicago - where the album was recorded the "Briant Street Theatre" [sic] - is really the Briar Street Theatre @ 3133 N. Halsted.
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yeah, they do tell you this in the booklet. This might be stupid but, on the 2nd page, the ball the elephant is standing on is the one from the front of Gordon.
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