Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Easter Egg - Bigfoot!!!

Go to back beyond in the country. There is a woodland area next to a road. At night it's really foggy. If you wait there a while a strange object will come toward you. BIGFOOT!!! He kinda chases you so be careful. lol

User Rating:
  2.3/10 with 102 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-16-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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ive seen him before he can kill you in two hits lol
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awesomeo3000 writes:
Ok,thats just f***ing fricky.I never wanna see that thing again.But I have do two questions:can he hit you off a bike and can you kill him?
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awesomeo3000 writes:
Ah, come on.Why is everyone giving me a bad review on a question!My other comment wasn't THAT bad.I mean look at how many people said it was helpful. And don't give me a bad review on this comment,please.
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is it just for PC or what? i cant find him on ps2.
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Jag648 writes:
were is it and does it make a lot of noise P.S. i watch a couple movies on youtube saw lots of fakes so if you go looking for a movie on it there are a lot of fakes
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SsnakeBite writes:
*sigh* Big Foot is NOT in the game unless you have the PC version and you download the mod that gives you new missions in which you have to chase several Big Foots then a yeti.
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dradon2 writes:
Come on, is this picture REALLY supposed to convince us!!! It could be anything.
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ronin_109 writes:
As far as I know, there is no bigfoot model in gta3.img (found on San Andreas/models directory) unless you install the Bigfoot mod here:
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Darth 3PO writes:
its just a tree!
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sadeyes writes:
Actually, this is no egg it is a mod. The developers did put big foot in the game at first but, the producers thought that it would be dumb and forced them to remove the egg. There is no conformation that it is completely deleted and they may have just made it really hard to find
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Azure359 writes:
i need to do this cheat first
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biquin writes:
well there is a big foot...on the map in flint county :D though its not the big foot your talking about...its still a big foot in this game.
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Deaster Degg writes:
Hej man here is the truth about Big Foot in San Andreas he exist only in the first version of the game go on you tube and chek the video GTA San Andreas myths explained.
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