Spaceballs Easter Egg - Star Wars

near the end of the movie when Barf and Lone Star are at the diner, as the camera zooms up to the space dock the millenium falcon is parked beside the diner.

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  6.2/10 with 136 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-25-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: eyes, movie
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Animal 56 writes:
It's a spoof of Star Wars...Alien...Star Trek...Planet of The Apes. It's still an Easter Egg to actually see an item directly from one of the movies it spoofs. Don't be such a jerk about it. You'll find people may like you better.
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Dont forget its a spoof of Transformers..... *Bum Bum Bum Bum* Megamaid.
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Incubus writes:
Wasn't that guy at the diner (the guy who ordered 'the special') whom the alien bursts out of the same actor who was the first victim in the Alien trilogy? Also, I recall him shouting, "Not again!" right before the alien bursts out. I was going to post this as an easter egg, but I'm not sure if its really him.
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kalamadea writes:
Also it is a spoof on The Wizard of Oz (Remember when they are walking in together at Yogurt's place?)
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-Robomop- writes:
Yer the guy (kane) is the same one out of alien te first movie.
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KillerBob writes:
It's a Spoof. It's also a Mel Brooks movie. There's an average of about 1 Easter Egg/Scene. Just keep an objective eye, and oh yeah... Use the Schwartz!
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sesame85 writes:
I AM using the schwartz!! If you have been so blind not to notice that spaceballs is a spoof, then maybe I should point out that ALL (except History of the World, Part one and The Producers) of Mel Brook's stuff is a spoof. And even History of the World is a spoof on history, so maybe I shouldn't have said that... The inquisition, what a show....the inquisition...let you know, I bet you're wishing, that we'd go awaaaaay....
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Kurtreznor writes:
ugh, please dont compare spaceballs and scary movie to each other. spaceballs is wonderful and hilarious spoof movie, scary movie was an attempt to spoof movies while actually just remaking the movies spliced together in a more sexual setting (the extent of the spoof was to kill people in different ways than the original). i thought scream was just as funny as scary movie, those sexual jokes can only go so far.
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anonymous writes:
I think the person that wrote this egg knows that Spaceballs is a spoof on Star Wars, it's quite obvious. The fact that the Mellenium Falcon appears in the movie IS an egg, and deserves to be posted.
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Yes, it is the same guy from Alien. Also, if you look past the Millenium Falcon, you see a thing with a lot of arms on the landing platform that looks like a 'droid thad the Jaws are selling in the first Star Wars movie (A New Hope) P.S. Macs rule!
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Krell writes:
The news anchor guy near the end is a spoof on Harrison Ford. Notice the similarity? Also, the alien is a spoof of the WB dancing frog.
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Emperor N3 writes:
Rev Eisenberg: the shark "Jaws" never appeared in "Star Wars" (except maybe once, stuck to the side of the Death Star (read the egg), as a homage to Steven Spielberg). The creatures you are talking about are called "Jawas". I wouldn't have pointed out this spelling mistake if I hadn't seen the word "Jaws" used instead of "Jawas" on mant occasssions, on this web site, and others.
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wesley58 writes:
But the Falcon is like kinda flat it look's weird for some reason
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I found a thing that is was originally no intentional egg but outdated by actuality in the meantime: In the scene where Dark Helmet and Sandurz engage the Ludicirous Speed (Or however this is to spell) and he's flying in Zero-G, he yells "What have I done", a sentence which by now is known to also be said by the "original" Darth Vader in "Revenge of the Sith". A Foreseeing of Dark Helmet or a Tribute/Reference from George Lucas to that Parody? ;-)
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Marisa0875 writes:
Although I have never seen any of the Alien Movies I do know that the guy who has the alien pop out of him IS actually the guy from the original Alien movie. My father was a big movie buff. The scene that follows with the "alien" singing "Rag Time Doll" was also in a funny cartoon on Looney Toons with a frog who would only sing the song to a man but refused to sing it at any other time.
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