Nevermind (NIRVANA) Easter Egg - Hidden Kiss

Can you find the tribute to KISS on the back of the Nevermind CD? It's just above the monkey's head in the center of the picture. Enjoy! :-Þ

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  5.8/10 with 132 votes
Contributed By: HRHJWNII on 12-22-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Back of CD Pic
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vile writes:
HRHJWNII is correct in stating that KISS appears on the back cover of Nervermind. I have a rare promo only interview CD titled "Nevermind, It's an interview" which was released to select radio stations around the US circa 1992. On it Kurt explains the album art... (Kurt Cobain) "It's just a rubber monkey that I've had for years and I took that picture. It was in a Bohemian photography stage, you know, taking a bunch of weird 'arty' pictures. That's one of them. It's a collage that I made many years ago. I got these pictures of beef from a supermarket poster and cut them out and made a mountain of beef and then put Dante's people being thrown into hell climbing all over it and that's pretty much it. There's also if you look real close, there's a picture of KISS in the back, standing on a slab of beef." If you don't believe me...feel free to send me an email and I will send you a .wav or .mp3 format file of this quotation from the interview. Let the truth be out!!!!! -Vile
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bigmuff writes:
The kiss picture is there. Look closely its small.
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martian writes:
It looks to me like the picture from the cover of Love Gun.
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HRHJWNII writes:
Give me a few days and ALL NIRVANA FANS can rejoice as I'll have the entire "Nevermind, It's An Interview" PROMO CD mp3's up online for everyone at: the pass is nirvana {{You gotta have a myspace/freediskspace account to get the goods = it's free and takes only seconds and you get 300MB for doing a five second survey!!!!}} I already have the 'monkey' photo up as well as a text file to tell you about the cd and where to find the reference to KISS. Enjoy :-Þ Now do me a favor and let's jack my rating up to about a 7 where it belongs :)
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HRHJWNII writes:
Sorry, had to make a new folder to share. The one I sent earlier wouldn't let me upload everything into it. They wanted me to put all pictures in one folder, all mp3s in another and anyother files in yet another. That's default settings for you. The goods are now at: By the time you see this message all 3 mp3s should be up. Pass is still: nirvana
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holly writes:
i kind of see the kiss but it could be any thing. how is it an egg???
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Papa Roach writes:
I have the album and i looked on the back and i can see something above the monkeys head but how the hell can you tell what it is when its so small??
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Dude, that KISS thing is pretty cool. I just found it.
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Jo the Foo writes:
"The monkey photo on the back cover is credited to Kurdt Kobain. The singer used this different spelling of his name for any artistic work not related to his music. The photograph apparently shows a monkey tied up with wires." Taken from '100 best album covers'.
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Errrrm, you might find this pretty gross but there is more than a kiss and raw meat on that picture behind the monkey (chimchim is what kurt called it.) If you look closely up a bit and to the right slightly above the monkeys head there is somethinig else. Kurt used to have a collage of raw meat and infected.... vaginas (:S) and he insisted that the collage was used for the background of his monkey picture, and thats what you can see, also there are a few more. If you don't believe me then read heavier than heaven. If you don't have the book the email me and I'll send you the part where it says about the background. ( I would like to point out that I did not find these on the picture, it was a sick freind of mine who insisted on finding them in the picture. And also that this information came from "Heavier than Heaven" (bio. of kurt by some guy)
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