Oblivion Easter Egg - Giant Objects

Go to the imperial city palace. go inside. turn left. keep on going and you should see a door. it's the door to the imperial city palace basement. this door should be locked. it should be an 'average' lock. now either pick the lock or cast an open lock spell to open the door. run forward. keep on going forward. don't stop. the basement should be slightly curved,like the rest of the palace. keep running forward around this curve. at the end, there should be lots of boxes piled up, but be carefull, there's a guard down there. he'll bust you for tresspassing. anyway, by this pile of boxes, you should see a giant chair, a giant club, a giant crysal ball and a giant hourglass called the hourglass of time.
also:if you press A, X, or click deppending what console you have oblivion for on the hourglass of time, this will be used later on in the last or second to last thief's guild quest.

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 8 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-05-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: none
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Panther writes:
this reminds me of the room in Twinsen's Odyssey with the giant q-tip they found in space...
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reeseras writes:
The reason the hour glass was there is for the final theives guild quest.
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Shane-oh writes:
Not actually an egg, you even have to go through this room for the last thieves guild quest, the hour glass is an important part of the mission
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Rodma writes:
I've always thought that "the hourglass of time" was a reference for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
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i saw this and thought nothing of it just a bit funny, also i got stuck between the wall and the crates.
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