Napster Easter Egg - Milk and Music Go Together

Every time you edit the program preferences (accessed by going to "File", then "Preferences"), it displays "Drink milk, it does a body good!" in the Chat screen when you close the Preferences window.

I don't know if this works with all preference fields, but I know it definetely works with the E-Mail field, and I know you need to be connected for it to work.

User Rating:
  3.4/10 with 591 votes
Contributed By: Torin Darkflight on 12-21-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Napster 2.0 BETA 4, a Napster account, an active connection to a Napster server
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Beaverman4 writes:
This also works in Napster Version 2 Beta 6.
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petelewis writes:
This also works in Napster Version 2 BETA 7 - BIG WOOP!!!
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death cookie writes:
yeah, this worked. it should say something less boring tho, say along the lines of Lars sux or something :P
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Charmed Fan writes:
Ha! I did this and it worked! Very funny!! (For those of us who are easily amused...)
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PS2-MONK writes:
No, this did not work for me. I have beta 7, and account name, but still it did not work. What chat screen do you do i at. Private or chat.
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Italianboy23 writes:
It did not work for me, probably because I didn't try, I figured it was too stupid to waste my time on.
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Sarah3264 writes:
What milk message? Unless you mean "Email set successfully", there's no milk message. I'm using Beta 7.
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I_Dont_Know writes:
I have beta 8 and it doesn't work... :รพ
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Silent Bob writes:
I'm running beta 6 and this doesn't work. "Email set successfully" isn't funny. This egg's a fake.
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DoomChick writes:
Napster 8? I'm still on 6 - when the heck did 8 come out?
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hyyx writes:
This no longer works with Version 2 Beta 9. It now tells you whether or not the preference field was changed successfully.
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vampyra writes:
this egg is not a fake. I had Napster v2b5 and it really did this. so if any of you guys have a friend with a dinosaur version of Napster ask them to show you because I've seen it. thanks :o)
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skold writes:
There's a slight delay before the 'Email set successfully' message, so I'd guess that it's a message from the server, not the client itself. So it wouldn't matter what version of Napster you have.
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Spxxn writes:
This egg does not work not napster v2.0 beta 9.
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DJ Masala writes:
It doesn't work for beta 9.6 either......
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Lucky writes:
It does not work in Beta 9.6
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Meno writes:
OK OK someone please clear this up. WHAT VERSION DOES IT WORK WITH?! Sorry about the caps, but I want to know! :)
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I had BETA 4 when I found this. I have BETA 7 now, and it doesn't display the message in BETA 7. It must have been removed in an earlier version. Most easter eggs in a computer program are done behind the backs of the head programming dude (Or whatever they prefer to be called), which tends to annoy them, resulting in the removal of the egg.
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Maximus writes:
I have Napster version2 beta 10.3! Why would anyone have 6 or 7 anyway? Not to mention 5 or 4! Well just for the sake of argument it doesn't work.
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holly writes:
it doesn't work on napster beta 9.6
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Hey, I just realized something: Unless I'm mistaken, Napster has multiple smaller servers which the client can connect to, and then uses them to contact the main server (Sort of like the different dialup numbers for AOL). What if this is an egg in one or more of those smaller servers, and not the client itself? I'm bringing this up because in the comments posted, there are people saying it works in a certain version, and others saying that it doesn't work in the said version.
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jojo56qwerty writes:
Does Napster still exist?
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