Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Easter Egg - A Taste of Come

You first have to do the mission where you, your brother, Smoke and Ryder jump out of the car and let it crash though a billboard and then it falls down on the main road. The billboard you came through showed the words "a taste of something to come...", but now it shows "a taste of come..."!! I doubt that the programmers made the car go exactly to that point by accident but just to make it sound like " a taste of cum..."...

User Rating:
  7.6/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: Nicktrance on 12-12-2007
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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A taste of come...
A taste of come...

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Pheonix writes:
Well they are pretty perverted.
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JPhinfan86 writes:
Considering the masturbating statue - this is not at all unreasonable.
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Cheatsamigo writes:
I love the jacking off statue! i submitted that ages ago and i cannot believe its the top rated egg! And also.... i would like to add...... STILL the top rated egg. dude!!
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AND... the drink they advertise is "sprunk" just take away the "R"
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Eric writes:
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The Heir writes:
Anyone ever noticed that the hole/crack (whatever) has the shape of Alfred Hitchcock's head??? Just look at the TV intro of the series "Alfred Hitchcock presents". Now THAT'S an easter egg.
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J-Minator123 writes:
you can also break it any other time in the game, even before the mission
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