Perfect Dark Zero Easter Egg - No Elvis?
Play though Mission 02 (The third level including Mission 00 [dataDyne | Infiltration]), until you come to collect Killian's briefcase, under guard. Searching through the filing cabinets and you'll automatically pick up a 'Safecode' read it, and it says
"Opens the door to the safe, if you have the patience to type it in.
01001110 01101111 00100000 01000101 01101100 01110110 01101001 01110011 0011111"
The code, when translated, reads "No Elvis?". Maybe the mission co-ordinator of this game missed the King?
Additionally, the Keypad Activated to use this code does NOT have the 0 button on it (it has 1 to 9 though) , so half the code is useless already.
Special Requirements: 'Perfect Agent' difficulty, Mission 02, 'Safecode' Key Item
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