Halo 2 Easter Egg - Mustard Hog

In the multiplayer map headlong, locate the banshee. Get in and fly to the large statue. Turn left, and go as high as you can. There is a close tunnel under your destination. Keep your high altitude and slowly aproach the roof without boosting. If you did it correctly, you are out of the map on a large gray area. Push the banshee down to the other player and have them do the same. Once you are both up, a little bit to your right you will find a tall building. Go to one of the corners and have one player stand on top of the other. This part is difficult. Have the player on top contiuously jump. The player on the bottom must sword cancel (B+X very quickly) while jumping. By doing this, you will slowly work your way up the side of the building. Once on top, there is a system of roofs and ledges, which will eventually lead to a long horizontal pole with an activation switch at the end. Hold X near the switch and go all the way back to the green portal near the turret and shotgun. Brace yourself, and walk in. You will be warped to the top of the skyscraper where a mustard-yellow warthog, the same as the one on the billboard, waits for your driving pleasure! ENJOY:-)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating:
  2.2/10 with 48 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-13-2007
Reviewed By: dicai, The Myth Mapper JC
Special Requirements: you just need halo 2 and a buddy.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Dauss writes:
This is completely false. The 'mustard' or 'civilian' warthog has been disproved a long time ago, including a direct statement from Bungie Studios denying the existence there of. It has taken many forms, from the one posted here, to the more popular "Get 16 players to shoot the billboard with rockets/snipers same time." As I said before. Completely false.
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lindrak writes:
I hope you are right, but whenever i get up there it instantly says ''you fell to your death'', any help?
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anonymous writes:
actually its true the golden hog is a true thing but you have to do it on october 7th or it wont work
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