Fallout 2 Easter Egg - Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

Do what it says in the "play all the maps" (or sth like it).Press ctrl+r and when the menu appears scroll down and find the "rndholy2.map" and hit enter. (If you have done this before you know that only your character is movable while all hostiles do not attack unless attacked by you.) You will find yourself in an area where the knights are hidden behind some rocks and the "vorpal rat" sits atop many bones guarding the entrance to a cave. Since nothing but you is operational you cannot enter the cave. SO SAVE your game (if the "esc-->save game doesn't work hit F4). Press ctrl+r to exit to the main menu. Now you can access the FULLY PLAYABLE map and get the HHG of A.
!WARNING! As soon as you enter the load game the knights will start attacking with gattling lasers plasma and whatever they got! Also the vorpal rat
is very difficult to kill and will in fact kill some BOS knights in the process!(if you have seen the movie you will know what to expect). So to ease the things (as you start as the basic and unskilled Narg), before loading the game, I used a character editor (falloutnext.cjb.net) to raise my stats so that I could kill the rat and withstand its bites and shots from the knights. When the rat is dead gloriously enter the cave and inside a chest you will find the holy hand grenade of Antioch (it looks just like the one in the movie and deals a full 500 dpts to the power armored knights!!!). When finished exit the map and the game will start outside the elders hut in Arroyo as if you had just finished the temple of trials. (I havent tried it but perhaps you could make the endboss fight easier with this grenade)

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch originally appeared in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

User Rating:
  7.5/10 with 4 votes
Contributed By: Loukas Hareangas on 07-19-2007
Reviewed By: ConCor, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: I have version 1.00 but it should work on all ones. Also a character editor will come handy
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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