Unreal Tournament 2004 Easter Egg - Dancing pop tart?
ok to start with,this egg is hidden in the
as-robot factory. you will need to start the level with no bots and you will need to be the defending side of the battle, so change teams when you start.
1.you will need the sniper rifle.
2. when you have changed sides you should be in the spawn room. from there go out the hole in the floor and head towards the ramp of where the tanks can get into your base.
3. from here there is a ledge that looks over the edge. get onto the ledge and walk towards the right. just make sure you can see out towards the sea.
4. when in a clear spot on the ledge get out your sniper rifle and look towards the horizen on the left.
5. the suprize should be there somewhere just keep looking. you will need your graphics turned up in the options if you cant see it.
6. when looking, you will need to wait till the time in the corner is at 2-3 minutes left then you can see it more clearly.
~warning spoiler ahead~
the egg is a submerine going towards you with a dancing piece of toast or somthing on top!
Special Requirements: just ut 2k4, patiance and good HD.
Pictures and Videos
The submarine easter egg - the dancing thing is actually an apple. |
Definitely an apple. |
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