Smith, Kevin Easter Egg - Silent Kevin

Ok this one's REALLY obvious but nobody has it here... does anyone know who plays Silent Bob in all of Kevin Smith's movies??? Well kiss my gritz if it isn't ol' Kev Himself!!

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  1.1/10 with 467 votes
Contributed By: on 12-19-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Rent A Kevin Smith Movie
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well, not to be obvious, but I'm quite sure that everyone know that... much like "hey, who's that fat guy in that Alfred Hitchcock film..."
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taz4470 writes:
In the Move Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back the baby of Silent Bob is played by Harley Quinn Smith, Kevin Smiths daughter.
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piratetv writes:
I kinda figured everyone knew kevin smith played silent bob, being a fan for years i kind of forgot it wasnt obvious
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kevin's wife also plays one of the jewel thiefs. she's the one who speaks the least. so not eliza. not shannon. and not ali. the other one.
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Anticlea writes:
Another blatantly obvious one- at the end of "Strike Back", the knocks against his own previous movies. Actually, that happened through the whole thing. Funniest ones were the comments made about Chasing Amy by Joey Adams and the comment "Who would be dumb enough to pay to see a Jay and Silent Bob movie?"- then the deadpan look at the camera... with Kevin pointing and giggling at it!
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clerks0806 writes:
the story is like this, kevin wrote clerks the little money he had.The only experience he had writing was orignal sketch comedy he had done with his two friends in high school( they were call the skamods for you guys keeping score) When he planned on filming clerks he cast himself as dante and his friend from the skamods as randall. While they were holding open auditions for the other pars he met Brian O'Halleran and realized he would be a much better Dante. He also had his friend read randalls parts with other auditioners. It was then he realized his frined wasn't an incredibly talented actor. So he cast Jeff Anderson. So kevin and his friend were both withouts parts. Now silent bob was to be played by the third member( and least talented) of the skamods. So Kevin, being in charge decided he would play silent bob after the fact because he had no part and no one new to cast. P.S. the other member of the skamods who was originally randall ended up playing Rick Derris, the gym guy who calls dante weak and used to f*** Katlin. P.P.S if you get the chanell IFC and ever see the speacial about clerks(i dont remember the name, its something about the snowball effect) you'll learn all of this and that im not making it up.
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I have only seen one of kevin smith's movies just recently- I watched mallrats-which was a very funny movie- I was even more surprised to realize that the writer and in this case "silent bob" went to school with me-as well as did bryan johnson and walter flanagan and ed hapstak etc in this movie- I was incredibly shocked as you can imagine- they are right the school we came from was incredibly small-everyone knew everyone- good thing to see they are still all together watching out for each other even long after high school
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