The Black Parade (My Chemical Romance) Easter Egg - Blood

Okay, usually I wouldn't add a hidden track because they are actually pretty easy to fin, especially if you have a computer. But this has a second part to it. After "Famous Last Words" wait about 2 1/2 minutes. The hiddent song blood starts to play and it 's kind of funny. What I thought was interesting is how the case told you about this track.

Pull out the front booklet, that has all the song lyrics in it and that odd picture. Now on the drawing (not the photo with the band members in it) You can see the Black Parade. And from the Patient as I think he is called, there is an IV tube in his arm, after the three pictures of freakiy animals the Parade ends and there is one square that is just white, AND the IV tube with a pouch of BLOOD in it is trailing behind.

Pretty spiffy right?

User Rating:
  8.3/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: Sarah on 06-03-2007
Reviewed By: arrell, MorPH
Special Requirements: just a cd with the case and a radio
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Cass writes:
actually....when they updated the website to "The Black parade", there was (and i think it is still on) a game about the death of the patient. The thing is that if you finished the game you got an image of the skeleton marching and the song (called "Blood") playing on the background. I don't think the art of the album has anything to do with promoting this song. As a matter of fact, the art of the album goes with the concept of the whole album. Anyway, i think it is an egg because i never would have been able to listen to this if i hadn't forgotten to turn off my CD player after it was over ^^
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