Sims, The Easter Egg - Santa Claus

This easter egg lets Santa Claus pay a visit.
First, go to the room you want Santa to appear in(Or build another room). Delete one wall. Now the game thinks the room is part of the outside, so you can put a christmas tree in it. Put the wall back up.
Get a table and put a plate of cookies on it. Put a fireplace in the room.
Make sure all of your Sims are in bed before 12:00AM.
At 12:00AM you will hear sleighbells. Go to the room with the tree and the cookies in it. Santa should be there, eating the cookies. Santa also leaves random presents for each sim.

User Rating:
  9.0/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-12-2007
Reviewed By: arrell, racedogg2
Special Requirements: The Sims and a brain =]
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Must you light the fire place and what tree must you use and also must the tree also be in the room with the cookies and the fire place?
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