Chip's Challenge Easter Egg - Fractal Generator
1. insert the gamecard and turn the lynx on.
2. Wait until something appears on the screene, and press A or B.
3. Press A until it asks for password.
use the up, down, left and righ arrow to write in MAND in the passwordfield.
4. Press A
5. Many peoples says "DON'T TOUCH ANY BUTTONS
UNTIL THE PICTURE IS DONE", I don't know why, but do this for the games security.
6. Use the arrowkeys to move the "custor" (a outlined box).
Press A to zoom in, and B to zoom out while the custor is on.
Option 1 will turn on and off the custor, and it will also return to the picture.
Option 2 will turn the color cycling on, reverse or off.
Pause changes the mode between Mandlebrot/Julia set, and displays settings.
Option 2 + Pause will reset and display the settings.
This application will not destroy or manipulate the game.
Special Requirements: Chips challenge (Original Lynx version)
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