Deep Blue Sea Easter Egg - Same License Plate As in Jaws

As a homage to the original killer shark movie, the license plate that is taken out of the tiger shark's teeth in DEEP BLUE SEA reads the same as the license plate taken out of the tiger shark's stomach in JAWS. They both are 72 - 73 Louisiana plates bearing the number, "007 - 981"

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  7.1/10 with 315 votes
Contributed By: avoidant on 12-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: TV, VCR, this film, JAWS
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Ben writes:
This is pretty cool but it is mentioned on the dvd comentry by the director, not to mention in almost every review of the movie - honestly, if you didn't know this already you must have been in the clouds since october.
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avoidant writes:
I am a huge fan of JAWS, so the license plate image from that movie is burned into my mind. I saw Deep Blue Sea (reluctantly), and something clicked when I saw the license plate in that movie. I was not aware of the situation before I saw the movie.
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Steve Crow writes:
The problem is that Hartlin puts in a few too many Jaws references, and yet seems shocked (shocked, I tell you!) that people might possibly compare his movie to Jaws. Weird.
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naughtygirl writes:
The sharks in Jaws and DBS are killed in the same way/order Jaws 1 - gas canister, Shark 1 - gas in kitchen (OK a bit of a stretch this one) Jaws 2 and Shark 2 - electrocuted Jaws 3 and shark 3 - blown up with explosives
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mr. beefy writes:
Um....kinda easy to spot. If you couldn't figure out that gem, you could've a)listened to the commentary b)read any review of the movie Harlin has a thing for the Jaws homage, but he pushes it a wee bit too far. As an owner of the movie on DVD, let's just say I liked Die Hard 2 better.
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Jessica writes:
if you see the movie "shark tale", in the scene where lenny regurgitates the fish he pretended to swallow, he coughs up a variety of other objects, including a license plate. notice anything familiar about that license plate?
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