Doom 3 Easter Egg - Freaky Mirror

I'm not sure when, but in the bathroom, if you stare at a mirror, eventually it takes over the screen and shows the game character aging rapidly with freaky background. It is in the same bathroom where you find the turd easter egg. You may need to have a shotgun while staring.

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  7.1/10 with 8 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-15-2007
Reviewed By: arrell, racedogg2
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The Demon Within!
The Demon Within!

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SepulSchizo writes:
Actually, an Imp or zombie comes out and attacks you.
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AJ writes:
Actually, no it doesn't. No demon or Imp. I've done the same thing before, and it scared the hell out of me. He really did transform for a few seconds. Trippy.
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Salamatiqus writes:
For me it works in the beginning of the game only. I mean you can see this trick after first hell invasion.(when you must come back to Sergeant Kelly)
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