South Park Easter Egg - 420

On the south park episode 'Starvin' Marvin', the four kids are in the consulars office for bringing a starving african to school. When the subject of a sports watch comes up, Mr. Mackey shows his watch and the time it says is '4:20'. 420 is the national holiday for marijuana smokers world-wide. This is contributing to Matt Stone and Trey Parker's rebelious cartoons.

User Rating:
  3.5/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: Anna_nelson_eats_it on 03-29-2007
Reviewed By: arrell, racedogg2
Special Requirements: A television
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Rumple writes:
Actually.... 4/20 is Hitler's birthday, and it's probably not a coincedence that 4/20 is also the day that the Columbine High School shooting took place, which is where Matt and Trey went to school. The 4:20 time that Mackey was implying to is the time of day. Every day at 4:20 is considered the national 'time' to smoke marijuana. So keep you ears open and you might hear someone saying or asking " Hey it's 4:19....... Got a minute? Hail Matt and Trey.......
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pantera writes:
the answer to life and everything is 42! (ggogle egg)
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