Windows NT Easter Egg - Pipes Screensaver

1. Open Control Panel
2. Open Desktop
3. Select 3D Pipes (OpenGL) as the screen saver
4. Click Setup, and set the joint style to mixed.
5. When the screen saver comes on - look closely. Every once in a while, a 'teapot joint' will appear.

User Rating:
  3.7/10 with 429 votes
Contributed By: Alan Grainger on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: WinNT v3.5 and above
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Rare three Teapots at once! Large Green Tea
Rare three Teapots at once! Large Green Tea

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El Cucurucho writes:
Teapots are one of the basic shapes that can be made in 3D Studio Max and probably other 3D graphics programs. They have a kind of a history in the 3D industry. They were the first object to be rendered, because they cast a shadow on themselves. This probably wouldn't say much to people who don't know much about 3d
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kdq writes:
It's not just *any* teapot. It's that specific teapot. It has long since become an inside joke, although it has somewhat faded.
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Alex writes:
If you go into "Preview" under the Screen Saver window, you can press the Print Screen button when you see a teapot. Just press it once, and open up a Word Document or a Paint screen and paste it there. I'm starting a Teapot Sighting Gallery.
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mmanning writes:
Is this not the famous Utah University teapot that graphic arts students are forced to create?
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ricky writes:
well i've found that this only works when you put the resolution up to maximum
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wbdej writes:
You may not have known this, or at least someone (not to be named) but it also works on low resolution! o-:)
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Andrwe writes:
Having seen the source code for this screensaver, the teapot is set to appear if the joint type is mixed and if a random number generated between 1 and 1000 is a certain value (weird number like 583 or something, not sure of any significance). We changed this a few times: the screensaver can get very slow when all joints are teapots! My boss used to like watching for a teapot on my PC when the screensaver had started, so we also changed the frequency to 1 in a million. Wasted some time!
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comslash writes:
... Gates loves tea, yet hates jello?
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Colleen writes:
I used to watch this screen saver at my work place years ago. I found the teapot and when I told my friends no one ever believed me. I even made them sit and watch it, but of course no teapot ever appeared. At my current job I told my co-worker and he sat with me to watch it. Finally someone else believes me about the 3D pipes screensaver teapot. =)
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bearfreeman writes:
Call me sad, but as well as a teapot in 3D Pipes screensaver, I've seen a teacup, sugar bowl and spoon!!
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