Doom 3 Easter Egg - Mmmboy - Baklava!

In Delta Labs 2a, you'll find a PDA with an e-mail on it advertising Martian Buddy's baklava. It reads along the lines of, "Have you ever thought "mmmboy, I could really go for some baklava right about now? Well, now you can!"

Go into operations before deactivating the halon gas in security, so that the zombies are still locked in their rooms. Jerry Keehan is the only fat zombie in the section, and is also the farting zombie noted above. Listen veeeeeery closely, and every now and again you'll hear him mutter "mmmmmmboooooyyy..."

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-27-2007
Reviewed By: arrell, racedogg2
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KamiKazi27 writes:
If you open up PAK003, You can acutally see there are TWO flies of the zombie going MMMMBOOOY.
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