Back to The Future Part III Easter Egg - Clint Eastwood

When Marty goes back in time and finally speaks with his relatives, he tells them his name is Clint Eastwood. At the end of the movie, during the showdown, Marty is shot. when he gets up he pulls back his poncho to reveal the metal plate. Clint Eastwood does the exact same thing in the movie 'A Fistful of Dollars'. Marty is also wearing the exact same outfit that Clint Eastwood does in that movie.

User Rating:
  2.4/10 with 36 votes
Contributed By: The Drifter on 01-08-2007
Reviewed By: racedogg2, MorPH
Special Requirements: none
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MissPepper writes:
This is NOT an easter egg! The film makers did it on purpose. You are supposed to notice these things when you watch the movie, that is why they were filmed in the first place!
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Aaron writes:
In BttF Part II, that is the scene playing while Biff and his girls are in a bathtub.
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troy writes:
umm der thats what an easter egg is ,, thats what they classify as an easter egg cause they want youu to notice
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