Shadow of the Colossus Easter Egg - Titular Title Scene in the Game

When you approach the first Colossus in the game, you will see his feet walking by.

Then, when the battle begins you shoot him with the arrow. When he stops, run up to him.

Jump onto his left calf (if you know where the weak spot is) when you stab him in the calf you can jump down and stand in his shadow. Stand in his crotch area shadow and your character will turn and look at the camera and say "Damn! I guess I'm standing in the 'Shadow of the Colossus!" and then laugh like the Disney character Goofey.

User Rating:
  1.0/10 with 94 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-11-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, MorPH
Special Requirements: Any Version
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Xeeber writes:
Wow! Its a great egg! The funniest egg of all times! 10/10!!!
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um yeah i highly doubt this even works and i bet you never even played Sotc
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dude, I doubt thats an egg....but still...thats freaking funny
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Um...the main character never says anything, well at least not in decipherable English... he pretty much just screams and calls for his horse, which proves this wrong.
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DemonFowl writes:
What the hell are you smoking, this never happens.
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