Windows NT Easter Egg - Programmers

1. Go to the Main Menu and select Control Panel.
2. From Control Panel, select Desktop.
3. Select Open GL 3D text as your screen saver type.
4. Click on Options to configure the settings for the screen saver.
5. Change the text that the screen saver will display to "I love NT".
6. Either wait for the screen saver to come up or hit test. The names of all of the programmers will float in and out in 3D Text.
7. This also apparently works if you put "I love NT" in other languages as well... I know "j'aime NT". Try any languages you can think of.
8. If "I love NT" doesn't work, try "I like NT". For instance, "Me amo NT" doesn't work, but "Me gusta NT" does.

User Rating:
  4.3/10 with 136 votes
Contributed By: Fizix on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: WinNT 3.5 ONLY
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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amazonmal writes:
I tried on NT 4.0. It displays "good?"
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chcltgmmybr writes:
I also tried it and it came up"good?"
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jrice79 writes:
You stated that it doesn't work in NT 4.0 well the Egg is for NT 3.5 not 4.0 that is why it didn't work.
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Jim Jakis writes:
For NT4-Users the process should be like this. U write "I love NT" Win asks "Good?" U answer "not evil" And then you can see the names of the programmers.
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Ikke writes:
What he meant is: FIRST: enter "I love NT" Click Preview, and it will show "Good?" THEN: enter "not evil" and if after that yo click Preview again, it'll show the names...
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anonymous writes:
Only typing "not evil" will get the names too.
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