Windows NT Easter Egg - Freecell Instant Win

1. Start a new game.
2. Hold down CTRL+SHIFT+F10
3. Follow the instructions.
4. Double click on a card to do it.
5. (You can make it so when a person makes their first move, they lose the game! ;-) )

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 696 votes
Contributed By: Mark Deneen on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows NT 3.5 and later
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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HelpDesk writes:
Works on Win98 version of FreeCell, too.
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John H. writes:
There must be a bit more to this egg then what's given here. When I was half way through a game recently, our cat jumped on to the keyboard and FreeCell finished the game by itself. I can see how the cat hit Ctrl/Shift/F10 simultaneously (it jumped up from my left), followed by 'A', but how did the game then run by itself with no mouse clicks? Unfortunately the cat refuses to tell me what it did...
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dan writes:
this also works with window's 95
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Robin writes:
This works both on the 32-bit version of FreeCell that comes with Win95 and the 16-bit version that comes with the Microsoft Best of Windows Entertainment Pack.
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Herbophile writes:
Phew! No more stress about keeping the FreeCell statistics up!
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seems to work on all the win os from 9.x till now
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Brolin writes:
There is no Win2000 Second Edition!
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netster403 writes:
This Egg also works on Free Cell under Windows NT 3.10
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Mike Mu writes:
It seems to work on every Windows OS. I used it on Windows ME and it works too!
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Griffin writes:
It works in Windows NT 4.0 also.
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gumbopolis writes:
I have Win98 and I didn't get any instructions.
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Don't you people get it?! It's FREECELL'S version, NOT the OS. If Apple were to somehow get this on their machines and have it run properly, it would still work. Microsoft simply put the same version of Freecell on all versions of Windows. The OS section has these eggs in it only because the programs come with them.
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White Wolf writes:
In response to John (with the cat). If you press Ctrl + Shift + F10 and then hit enter and then a number on the number pad on the right of your keyboard followed by enter, then you will find the game complete itself without using the mouse. This is most likely what happened.
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Alkar writes:
It doesn't work in Spanish version of FreeCell (text of User-Friendly User Interface is in English, but command buttons are in Spanish) :(
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Mike writes:
You will notice that it does not finish the game correctly. A correctly finished Freecell game should finish with the 4 Kings on top; but this Eegg method just dumps them on the stacks in a haphazard and random fashion.
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If the buttons are in Spanish, just click the one on the left... Just because it's in Spanish doesn't mean it doesn't work! Learn Spanish if you have to!
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exor674 writes:
if you hit the same number twice in a row the row re-draws
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EvenDeeper writes:
It also works in Windows XP. But it doesn't finish the game the right way. The cards are placed in random order.
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NightStalker writes:
IF you have a program called ResHacker then you can open up the freecell,exe located in C:/WINNT/System32 (that cuz i have windows 2000 pro but itll be diff for people using like me or xp) then with reshacker installed and the file opened up look in the accelorators folder and click the freemenu and then click 1033. if you look at the last line it says "VK_F10, 114, CONTROL, SHIFT, VIRTKEY" this is reffering to string 114 in the string table folder. so when you hit Control, Shift, and the virtkey F10, you will activate that command. Now if you go to the menu folder and look at the file you will c this "FREEMENU MENU LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US { POPUP "&Game" { MENUITEM "&New Game\tF2", 102 MENUITEM "&Select Game\tF3", 103 MENUITEM "&Restart Game", 107, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "S&tatistics...\tF4", 105 MENUITEM "&Options...\tF5", 109 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Undo\tF10", 115, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit", 108 } POPUP "&Help" { MENUITEM "&Contents\t F1", 106 MENUITEM "&Search for Help on...", 110 MENUITEM "&How to Use Help", 111 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About FreeCell...", 101 } }" Now on the last line you can add a line like this : "MENUITEM "&Win/Lose", 114" after the about freecell line then compile it, save it, and exit it, when you go into the game and look on the help bar there will be a new option there that says "Win/lose" and when you click it then it will act the same as hitting cntrl, shift, F10. LOL seems hard but isnt really
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baby_gurl writes:
You stupid dork it works on all windows because I have windows 98 and my friends have 95 and XP. We play freecell games -one & -two and we use Control Alt F10 and it works.
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