Practical Magic Easter Egg - Cauldron

go to "special features", click on "the cauldron". click first on rosemary, then mint, grapes, and last is lavender. then click on mix. this will bring you to "making magic" and "casting a spell"

clues to the right order of mixing are hidden in different places in "special features", but why do that when I have posted them here for you. :)

User Rating:
  5.5/10 with 2 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-02-2006
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, racedogg2
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nicky writes:
This is not an easter egg on the German DVD (RC2 PAL). In fact both documentaries (making magic and casting the spell) are listed as regular special features on the DVD cover and if you click on the cauldron in the special features section, it will take you directly to both documentaries. You won't have to mix anything. (Of course this goes only for the German DVD, I'm sure the egg can be found as an actual egg on the (RC1) US version, and maybe even on the UK version which is also RC2 PAL)
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