Little Mermaid, The Easter Egg - Three Easter Eggs

On Disc Two of The Little Mermaid Special Edition DVD, go to the "Backstage Disney" Menu. Once you are there, click on the "Treasures Untold: The Making of the Little Mermaid" menu. The first easter egg is next to "Act II: A Symphony of Talent." Press left on the DVD remote, and you should find a dinglehopper (fork) highlighted. Click it, and you'll find the co-directors drawing characatures of each other.

The second egg on that menu is found by going to Act IV and hitting the 'right' arrow on your remote. This will highlight a snarfblatt (pipe). This will show you information about the models used to draw Ursula and Ariel.

Lastly, go down to "Backstage Disney" and hit your right arrow key. An anchor should appear, and give you information on the secret Little Mermaid handshake.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-02-2006
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, racedogg2
Special Requirements: A DVD remote, or if using a computer, a mouse
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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lizz writes:
actually in the first egg. the fork is to the left of "act I: renaissance men". but cool!
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lizz writes:
also on the last egg. the anchor egg is next to "act V: a mermaid sings".
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