Courage The Cowardly Dog Easter Egg - Dil Graffiti

On the episode "The revenge of the chicken from outer space", at the first part of the show when the UFO is ripping peoples heads off, look closely at the part when the cop is at the statue of liberty. On the wall you will see two names graffiti written. One is Dil and the other is Lee. Dil is the creator of courage the cowardly dog. I'm not too sure who Lee is but if someone knows please tell me.

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  6.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-07-2006
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, MorPH
Special Requirements: None.
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Inked writes:
i know that it is nearly six years since you posted this, but i stumbled upon your question while trying to find my old art instructor on the Internet. its a true shame that i don't actually know his first name,i only knew him as "Mr. lee" but he worked on the backgrounds for courage the cowardly dog, and also drew the Lizzie Mcguire cartoon for the show "Lizzie Mcguire". all i can find is "various artists" referring to the things he worked on. doesn't surprise me, he was sort of freelance. he was most likely that name you saw. if you get any info on "Mr. lee" please tell me!
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