Publisher (Microsoft) Easter Egg - Wierd Message in Publisher 2000

When I did this, I was making a brochure. I opened a template, and the 'filler words' they show to give an example of what it looks like (like "Lorem Ipsum.....") Looked a lot like Latin. I then translated it online, and got a questionable message. I do not have version 2000 anymore, so I cannot post up what it said.

User Rating:
  2.3/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-14-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, dicai
Special Requirements: You need Publisher 2000
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Mikoangelo writes:
The Lorem Ipsum filler text is THE most used text for use when you need a plausable looking segment of text. It has been used because it is gibberish to most people, yet has reasonable length words and punctuation similar to normal text, and isn't the same word repeated over and over.
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