Doctor Who (2006) Easter Egg - Torchwood References

since Season 1 Episode 1.11 till the end of season 2 there have been mentions and qoutes refering to the Torchwood Institute, a spin-off series made by the producers of doctor who 2005/6

(gudies to the ep numbering 2.03 refres to season number 2 and episode number .03)

these are:

in 1.11 Bad Wolf: Anne-droid the weakest link question, "The Great Cobalt Pyramid was built on the remains of which famous old Earth Institute? the correct answer was Torchwood."

2.00 The Christmas Invasion, which had Torchwood in action (a laser beam shots up to the sky and destroyed the aliens

2.02 Tooth and Claw: Queen victoria founds Torchwood in the torchwood house where the strange and weird happened.

2.03 School reunion: when Micky tries to view alien photos on his computer, the screen reads "TORCHWOOD, ACCESS DENIED."

2.05 Rise Of The Cybermen: When Rose is sat on the bench, and her phone connects to the news, when she looks up and sees the Zeppelin flying above her, the newsreader mentions Torchwood. Also, at Jackie's party, when Rose and Pete have an awkward conversation, Pete makes to leave by asking another guest 'How are things at Torchwood?'

2.07 "Idiots lantern", when the doctor it talking to the police man about the faceless people, the police man gets a call, and says something along the lines of "Maybe we should call in torchwood".

2.09 Satan's Pit- The Captain mentiones the Torchwood Archive

2.10 Love and Monsters- Victor gives out files from Torchwood but saying the Bad Wolf virus deleted most of the information about Rose Tyler.

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  2.2/10 with 4 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-07-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, MorPH
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Shady writes:
Surely this is just Trivia. It's intentionally placed story content that is linking together a main series and a spin-off series.
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