Hannah Montana Easter Egg - Achy Breaky Heart

In the episode where Miley goes on a camping trip, Robbie Ray (Billy Ray Cyrus) and Jackson are trying to catch a mouse, the mouse plays a song on the piano. Then Robbie Ray asks if he knows the song "Achy Breaky Heart". That is one of Billy Ray Cyrus's Songs.

User Rating:
  5.6/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Moonwalker on 10-09-2006
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, racedogg2
Special Requirements: A Tv and Cable
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gruvigirl77 writes:
thre's also the episode with hannah's suprise party and the dorky sweater (it's a mannequin's life i think the episode's called) where he's doin limbo and he says 'oh my achey breaky back.' also in the episode where miley almost gives away her identity to a news reporter she "pretends" to be hannah montana and jackson pretends to be elvis and robby ray says he's billy ray cyrus (with a mullet) there are tons of billy ray references!
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