Grandma's Boy: Unrated Easter Egg - Unrated Montage and ABC's
The first egg I found is on the main menu screen. Highlight "Scene Selection" then press left on your remote control. A blue X-Box controller appears on the left side of the screen. Push enter! This will unlock an "alternate" unrated montage of stills on the right side of the main menu.
The second egg is funny as hell! It's a deleted scene that is referenced in the cast commentary(also funny as hell), which actually prompted me to look for the deleted scene. First go to "special features"... then go to "deleted scenes"... then, with "Table 6" highlighted, press up on your control. This will highlight a new option at the top of the screen "DEMONIK". Press enter, and you will be treated with a hilarious deleted scene... and, frankly, I think they should've left in. LOL!
Special Requirements: DVD player, DVD copy of Grandma's Boy (Unrated)
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