X-Men 3: The Last Stand Easter Egg - Professor Xavier's Return?

Not sure if this is an egg because if true it is pretty important, but when the film finishes the credits will come on, at this point most people will ever leave the cinema or turn off the TV, but if you wait about another five minutes there will be a short scene where a the man with no consciousness that Professor Xavier used as an example in his lesson earlier in the film starts to awake, and the doctor in the room says "Charles?"

This strongly hints that Xavier will be returning from the dead in X-men 4.

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  7.4/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: Jackgrammar on 08-28-2006
Reviewed By: dicai, Silent_Assassin
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Devomatic writes:
I believe he says "Hello, Moira", addressing the lady, Dr Moira MacTaggert.
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STL writes:
In DVD the scene is at 1:43:37. The patient says, "Hello Moira"(Or Marla, or something similar). Doctor looks at the patient and says, "Charles?". Good catch.
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xmanconti writes:
He definitely says "Hello Moira" as this is his old friend and fellow scientist. She is an excellent actress by the way, could really see the emotion in her eyes.
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MissinGLynX writes:
If you watch the DVD, and listen to the commentary track with Avi Arad, they reveal that the bearded man whose body that Professor X has taken over is actually his brother, who was born brain dead per the comics. I believe the name of the man is P. Xavier. They were going to shoot the scene without a beard on the patient but that may have given too much away (for those who are familiar with the comics) or may have been confusing (for those who are not familiar with the comics series). Also, Moira McTaggart is the doctor's name and she is from the comics series as well. She is Professor X's ex-fiance and good friend. Wikipedia provides a nice (long) summary of Professor X and Xmen history. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor_X
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This is a great egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!
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Also, in Proffesor X's funeral, I think you can see that Moira has turned up to mourn for her old friend (possibly in the front row, near the left of the screen?)
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toe writes:
Also, at about 13 minutes into the film, while Xavier gives a lesson about ethics to his mutant students (just before he senses Storm's emotional turmoil and the resulting weather change), he presents a video of a case study by Dr. Moria McTaggert in which the same bearded man can clearly be seen lying unconscious in the background. She then goes on to explain that the man was born without higher-level brain functions but that his body is essentially in tact. Xavier follows the video by presenting an ethical dilemma: "What if we were to transfer the consciousness of one person (...) into the body of this man?". So it seems that the Professor found it ethical to do so when faced with his own peril. Personally, in this case, I think it was the right thing to do; how would we see him in the next sequel if it were otherwise? :>
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