Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory Easter Egg - Creator of the Church of Satan

In the scene when willy wonka is in the tunnel singing and the walls shows creepy images, if you slows it down it will show Anton Levay the creator of the church of satan.

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  4.0/10 with 4 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-22-2006
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Silent_Assassin
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FilmObsessed writes:
I'm pretty sure thats Slugworth. They look kinda the same, huh? But it couldn't be the creator of Satanism, its a movie picture. It's definately the man who played Slugworth.
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Riverrust writes:
Yeah, the only face I see is that of Slugworth. I think Anton turns up in many places in the imaginations of urban legend believers. I remember back in the day when it was rumored that Anton was standing on the balcony in the picture inside the Eagle's album, Hotel California. Aleister Crowley is another favorite who turns up in controversial places. I do believe his face is in the crowd on the cover of the Beatles Sgt. Pepper album. He is also rumored to be the stick bundle bearing man on the cover of Led Zeppelin's 4th album. This may be the case if it is true that Jimmy Page at one time owned Crowley's castle.
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