Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction Easter Egg - Who's That?

Start a new game, and enter the 'Invinciblility' and 'All shop items' codes. When you get to the part where you start to drive to the Allied base, stop and order a helicopter. Take off and fly south-west to the big ocean. (Lower-left/bottom of map on map screen)The allied fighters will shoot at you, but don't mind them.

HAVING INVINCIBLILITY ON IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE! Other wise, you'll get turned into swiss cheese before you can see the egg. When you reach the ocean, pan the camera around looking at the ground. You may need to adjust your altitude. You should see a tile of ground change and turn into a 2-D face plastered on the ground. It looks similar to Chris Jacobs, one of the mercenaries. This may happen with more than one tile. Congratulations, you found the egg!

(The only charecter I've tried this with is Jacobs, however, though it may work with more.)

This has also been see on the Ace of Spades contract, and may be in many other places.

User Rating:
  7.5/10 with 2 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-19-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, MorPH
Special Requirements: Xbox, Mercenaries (Might alos work on PS2)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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