Windows 95 Easter Egg - Product Team Credits

1. Right Click on the Desktop.
2. Select New... then Folder.
3. Name the folder "and now, the moment you've all been waiting for".
4. Right Click on the folder and rename it to "we proudly present for your viewing pleasure".
5. Rename it again to "The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!"
6. Open the folder and the Windows 95 credits will be displayed. The folder will remain around so anytime you want to view the credits again, all you have to do is re-open the folder.

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 672 votes
Contributed By: Eli Smith on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Original version of Win95, might have been removed in later service packs.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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A screenshot of Windows 95 Easter Egg
A screenshot of Windows 95 Easter Egg

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StaticKnot writes:
Ok i agree with liam the folder thing opens and zip happens? do you have to put from code on your microsoft certificate on or what?
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Can somebody please post the file on their web site ??? I have been trying to do this ever since I got win 95, and I still can't get it to work !!! Cheers, Tim
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Migel writes:
Ok, for this EasterEgg, I did the instuctions, opened the folder that was re-named several times, and all I see is a really cool background, and some music. No credits. What did I do wrong ? Please help a poor dude here. :(
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Eboreg Onxre writes:
Step 6 is inaccurate, at least with the original Win 95 (August 1995 version); the folder is only special for 24-48 hours, open it after that and you'll find it's reverted to being an ordinary folder.
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liam writes:
this doesn't work. You open the folder and zip happens
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LordPi writes:
i dont know why u have to do all that renaming stuff just make a new folder can call it "The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!.{869DADA0-42A0-1069-A2E7-08002B30309D}" no quotes poof. credits folder. looks like the ie5 credits thing.
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KBronner writes:
Nothing happens - need better directions or a correction to the directions.
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FoLoSa writes:
Works okay. Just copied all the lines using cut-n-paste to eliminate typos and I got the screen, playing a little MIDI along with it! Using Windows 95 4.00.950 B...
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Mike writes:
I looked in the folder in Windows Explorer, X:\Windows\Desktop\The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!, it does the same as it does on the desktop! Note: X:\ is the hard drive change to the appropiate letter, and if your Windows directoy is not X:\Windows please look in the corect folder. And I have the origoinal Windows 95 and lasts for as long until you delete it. And the media is the file X:\Windows\Media\Clouds.mid.
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mende006 writes:
Worked fine. It did take me a few times because I didn't notice that it had to be renamed 3 times.
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Crono writes:
Okay, this is easy to do. All of you who say it doesn't work, it's case sensitive and you have to have it exact. Plus, I THINK that if you make a typo, even if you go back and correct it, it won't work. You must do it perfectly. Also, I really really love the music in this and for anyone else who likes it, the midi can be found by going to Find File/Folder, then search the Windows directory for clouds.mid and voila! You found the sweet music! -David Ronis
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petelewis writes:
I have posted the really cool music @ enjoy :-)
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Picaune News writes:
to those uncertain few: 1. It must be typed EXACTLY. Case Sensitive. No periods. Period. 2. The 32 alphanumeric code, called a CLSID, only works if you have already done the trick the tedious way. 3. It lasts until your next restart. 4. It creates a lasting file, called C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\CLOUDS.MID where C:\WINDOWS is where you installed Windows, which can be played in any media player. 5. You can rename it whenever, after you've done the trick. It's because of the CLSID. 6. You can do it on any local hard drive. I have had this verified by 3 sources, all reliable. Andrew Cook Picayune News
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Emma writes:
Mike, the reason it's in that folder is because you just put it on your desktop. You will note that everything in your file X:\Windows\Desktop\ will also be on your desktop, it's the same thing.
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crud writes:
Another neat thing happening on mine: The credits are in sections, i.e. "Base" and "User Interface." If you are in the middle of viewing the list of credits for a particular section and close the window, it starts that section over when next opened. It also happens when you resize the window. I thought it was neat anyway.
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Quatranoctal writes:
Also, you can't use F2 to rename. You MUST right click, choose rename.
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Picaune News is right. It only lasts until your restart and if you restart, try to rename it, even when you use the right click thing it has to be a new folder.
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Does it work in 98 too? And if so, what needs to be changed?
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Junior writes:
If you try to delete it it doesn't go to the recycling bin it deletes automatically.
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Am I the only one who thinks that music is BLINDINGLY annoying?
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Jamez writes:
The music comes from your PC Speaker, so even if you turn off your external speakers or turn them way down, you will still get the music. At least that's what happens on my computer.
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! writes:
Please someone post the music up somewhere because I upgraded to windows 98 and petelewis's address didn't work
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