Gauntlet Legends Arcade Game Easter Egg - Different Characters

1)Start a game
2)When it asks you for a code, type the name in as "EGG" and the number in as "911" (No quotes) Select the blue valkire.
3)You will now be a chicken, called POGO, who shoots fire and pecks.

1)Start a game
2)When it asks you for a code, type the name in as "nud" and the number in as "069" (No quotes) Then, select the blue valkire
3)You will now be the valkire, wearing only a loincloth and two pieces of cheese.


User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 287 votes
Contributed By: Akihiro on 12-08-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Gauntlet Legends arcade (The machines that need quarters)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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YinD writes:
Try 169 for the "nud".
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MissingNO writes:
By entering your password as 169, the valkyrie will be completely nude. Make sure you are not in a public arcade or no one's watching, because you might get caught.
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169 is alot better
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RUJealous writes:
Are you guys kidding me with this "169" thing being totally nude? This is my first time to this site and I can't believe the stuff I am learning. Where do you guys come up with this stuff? It blows my mind!!!
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MissingNO writes:
I got Pojo once during a game, but I don't remember how I do it, and it was an item. When that loud, booming voice has to say a name, it will say its name. ^_^ That way funny..."POJO is now it"
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Silver757 writes:
I tried the EGG 911 code on Gauntlet: Dark Legacy and it works.
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Tribaldemon writes:
Does anyone know if this egg can be unlocked in the Nintendo 64 version of gauntlet legends?
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bClownin writes:
Go to, then go to tips and tricks, after that go to arcade, then to to the letter "G", then click of "Gauntlet Legends" you will find some other characters. They are just more powerful thats all.
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MadFunk writes:
Here's another bit of interesting info: The chicken known as Pojo is also in the game "Mace: The Dark Age" as a secret character. Midway apparently has chickens on the brain.
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Frito writes:
Hhmmm, I tried the 169 one and it didn't do anything. I just got the normal blue valkyrie. I did this on the regular old arcade version in an arcade. The 069 one did work, however, though it was all censor bars. So, does it work for the N64 version of gauntlet legends? Probably not, they don't do anything fun on N64.
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zeews writes:
none of the codes work for N64. I have tried them all, after that, I altered them in a sh*t-load of ways, to see if anyone accidently type them up wrong. Trust me, they dont work for the N64.
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Grim writes:
umm.... I dont see why the egg one wouldnt work. You just enter your name as "egg911" right? and then "nud069" and 169, right?
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Iamconfused writes:
Does the NUD 169 blue Valkyrie work on gauntlet dark legacy? I've already tried 169 and it doesn't work.
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billy writes:
The nud 169 egg did not work. are you sure it is for the n64 version?
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garrick writes:
no it will not work on the n64 version because if i remember correctly, the n64 version doesnt have codes
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